13 - 44 pts in semi 1
Marcin Mroziński won the Polish national final with the song Legenda.
The song is written by Marcin Nierubiec and Marcin Mroziński himself. The song is mainly in English but has some parts in Polish.
A new version is recorded, you can watch the video updated with the new version here at Marcins YouTube channel.
update The promo cdsingle has 6 versions. The Eurovision version plus all the new versions listed below. The first two versions of Legenda can still be found at Marcins MySpace.
- versions -
Legenda - Eurovision version *
- The version from the Oslo 2CD is slightly different from the Eurovision version on the promo cds (this backing was used at the contest).
The same differences in intro and guitar backing (best noticed at 1:53) can be found in the karaoke releases. The instrumental on the cds is of the Eurovision version.
Legenda - Oslo version ♫
- on the official Oslo 2CD
Legenda - Mafia Mike Radio remix *
Legenda - Mafia Mike Club remix *
Legenda - Mafia Mike Dub remix *
Legenda - Instrumental *
Legenda - Eurovision version Karaoke *
Legenda - Oslo version Karaoke
- on the official karaoke collection (digital release)
Legenda - second version (new version)
Legenda (The Legend) - first version
- first two versions can still be heard at marcins MySpace
* are on the promo cds
You can listen to the two earlier versions of Legenda at Marcins MySpace.
Marcins YouTube channel
http://marcinmrozinski.com/ remains under construction.....
TVP National Final Page
Poland in 2009
Thanks to Lior
Thanks to the Marcin Mroziński team.
Wow! In Poland there are much more beautiful men than in my country - germany :-(